Artist Talk with Jana Rot und reading with Everest Girard

The focus of the installation “Münzzeitgeber. 6 Minutes” by Jana Rot is a large-format photo print on semi-transparent textile fabric that depicts an anachronistic-looking coin timer. The context to shower rooms in women’s shelters is not obvious. Subtly, problem areas of charitable institutions are addressed, which are confronted with the massive dynamics of domestic violence against women and children. In her installation, Jana Rot symbolically links the associated social dimension and the necessary task of care in dealing with this serious phenomenon: houseplants form a participatory component of the installation, which in themselves contain the call to care. Some plants are cared for on site by their owners, others are not. The consequences visible in the gradual process illustrate how important society’s support is for vulnerable groups and how much invisible violence they experience.

Everest Girard reads texts that deal with violence as well as texts inspired by Jana Rot’s installation “Coin Timer. 6 Minutes.”