Kristof Georgen

one day in my life

Sound, drawing, photography

Kristof Georgen, ARTEFAKTE, 4-channel-/multichannel audio-installation, installation views, detail, 2017

Kristof Georgen’s works refer to social processes. They show unstable systems but also the systematic and repetitive. Not the result, but the process is in the foreground of his sound works and drawings.

The staple of the work shown in the Kunstverein Schwerin is everyday life – it is about traces and images. Traces stand for a material image, but in particular mark a temporal course. They refer to something lying in the past, a possible fact or an action. In site-specific installations staged by Kristof Georgen, there are concrete references to a place of action, which, however, turns out to be a plurality of possibilities and shows history as an open field of connecting points. Narrative elements in the form of visual objects and auditory recordings become part of a temporal performance that questions our habits and everyday life. The acoustic-visual “experience spaces” become places of attention and concentration and confront us with our own life situation and its media presentation.